Akta Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan
(OSHA), 1994
Jabatan Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan (DOSH) di bawah Kementerian Sumber
Manusia telah diberi tanggungjawab untuk mentadbir dan menguatkuasakan perundangan
berkaitan keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerjaan (osh) bagi memastikan keselamatan,
kesihatan dan kebajikan orang di tempat kerja serta orang lain dilindung daripada
bahaya yang berpunca daripada aktiviti-aktiviti pekerjaan dalam pelbagai sektor yang
termasuk perkilangan, perlombongan dan kuari; pembinaan; pertanian, perhutanan dan
perikanan; utiliti (gas, elektrik, air dan perkhidmatan sanitari); pengangkutan, storan dan
komunikasi; perniagaan pemborongan dan peruncitan; hotel dan restoran; kewangan,
insurans, hartanah dan pekhidmatan perniagaan; perkhidmatan awam dan badan, Akta Kilang dan Jentera, 1967............ ADAKAH INI MEMENUHI PIAWAIAN OSHA? JAUH SEKALI................................................
Kemalangan feri di Sg Trusan Lawas pada jam 6.40 a.m , 25hb Oktober 2001 telah meragut nyawa seorang pekerja Ladang Intan atau pun Ladang Lintang pada ketika itu. Terkini ini adalah pengangkutan harian di tempat ini. Mengapa mereka masih membutakan mata semata-mata mengejar keuntungan dan mengurangkan kos dengan menyewa benda alah ini yang cuma boleh digelar "Besi Hanyut"...... dunia oh dunia......... bila bercakap pasal pengurusan semua mahu menjadi juara.............. Bila bercakap pasal untung semua mahu untung.......... Siapakah kita sekadar manusia biasa kita bukannya SUPERMAN, BATMAN waima yang terkini Ujud di Malaysia adalah KUBUNGMAN untuk menjadi hero di sini? waduh pak............. gak bisa begini terus............ kami perlu uang.......... kami perlu rejeki............. tetapi bagaimana rejeki kami itu bisa kami dapat sekiranya ruang kerja kami dalam situasi begini.......... kita masih bercakap tentang YPH 16 mt...... ( Aku sendiri amat malu menyatakan nya.... itu sudah menunjukan kita "di bawah Par".... kalau Golf di bawah par bagus..... Sedangkan org sudah bercerita tentang 30 mt/ha........ aduhai...... Disini cuma ada jaguh-jaguh kampung yang menunjuk samseng dengan majikan. silap sikit kena tumbuk.. masih hidup di zaman batu kah kita......... kalau zaman nenek moyang kita mungkin masih berperang tetapi ini zaman IT......... Majikan tak nampak semua tu.................. yang mereka tau cuma : Please explain bla bla bla bla. low yield, low production tapi adakah mereka bertanya tentang orang- orang yang " Low Morale" A.K.A DEMORALIZE>>>>>>>>>>>>.
Berbaloikah kita hidup dengan situasi begini semata-mata mencari Rezeki?
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
According to Lewis et. al. (2001), Maslow’s hierarchy of needs model is the most famous model for motivation. According to the hierarchy of needs, an individual has five basic needs .
Physiological, Safety, Social, Esteem and Self-actualisation.
Description on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Physiological Needs
This need exists at the lowest level of the hierarchy. Examples of this need are the need for food, water, air and sleep. Organisations can help individuals to fulfil this need by preparing sufficient income to obtain food, shelter and a comfortable working environment. People will focus on fulfilling these needs before fulfilling the needs in the following level.
Safety Needs
This need is related closely to acquiring a safe physical and emotional environment. Examples of this need are employment network, health insurance and retirement plans used to fulfil the safety needs of employees.
Two-factor Model
According to Rue et. al. (2000), the study done by Frederick Herzberg, Bernard Mausner and Barbara Snyderman produced an approach towards motivation that is accepted widely in the area of management. This approach is known by several names such as motivation and care approach, two-factor or motivation and hygiene approach. This model relates job satisfaction with productivity for a group of accountants and engineers. This study found that factors toward job satisfaction are separated from the factors that incline towards dissatisfaction of
(a) Motivation Factors
Motivation factors are factors related to the work performed. These factors are related to positive feelings and attitude towards the particular work. Motivation factors include the work itself, achievements, inner growth and responsibility.
(b) Hygiene Factors
These factors refer to the context of work or the environment where the work is being carried out. The factors include supervision, workplace conditions, individual relationship, salary, safety, and the company’s administration and policies. These factors are closely related to the negative feelings towards a particular job but nevertheless they do not contribute towards motivation. According to the researchers, these factors do not generate motivation but instead prevent motivation from occurring. For example, employees will feel dissatisfied if they believe that their work place is not safe; but if the condition of the workplace is improved, employees may not necessarily become satisfied. If employees are not given any recognition, feelings of dissatisfaction may not exist. At the same time although they may not feel satisfied but when recognition is given, employees will feel more satisfied.
SEKADAR SEDIKIT RENUNGAN BERSAMA SEDIKIT SEBANYAK MENGENAI APA YANG DINAMAKAN "MOTIVASI" MENGIKUT PAKAR-PAKAR TEORI PENGURUSAN... The factors include supervision, workplace conditions, individual relationship, salary, safety, and the company’s administration and policies. These factors are closely related to the negative feelings. hygiene factor.......... agak-agak apa akan kita rasa bila kita bekerja di negara yang merdeka dan bertuah ini tetapi seolah-olah anda berada di SUDAN....... Ataupun Timore Leste ( sememangnya suasana ada mirip begitu).Ini sekadar pandangan peribadi saya sendiri sebagai insan-insan yang "tercedera" mindanya hidup di sini sebagai seorang kuli syarikat.